3rensho club senior team Activity
Activity plan in 2008
Jan. 3 Visiting Ootori Shrine & Fusebenten Temple --- 25 . Gather at 9:00a.m.
Feb. 16 Survival Walk (Walk from Abiko to Ginza Tokyo) 42 Km 13 Gather 7:00a.m. at Abiko Station.
Mar. 16 Mizumoto Park Tour 80Km 13 Sugano
Apr. 6 Cherry blossom-viewing Tour 110 Km 17 Shiina Destination depends on the blooming
May 11 Hirose river Tour (Partially use train) --- -- Kaneko Canceled because of rain.
Jun. 1 Itako Iris Festival Tour 110 Km 17 .
Jun. 12-16 Long Tour (To be decided) --- -- Canceled.
Jul. 13 Sekiyado & Lake Watarase Tour 129Km 18
Aug. 2,3 Mt. Tsukuba and Lake Kasumigaura Tour 219Km 10 Shiina gather at 6:50a.m.
Sept. 14 Lake Inbanuma Excursion Tour 100Km 13 .
Oct. 19 Area around Yuuki Tour 140 Km 13 Kaneko
Nov. 9 Oku-kuji Panorama Line Tour (Partially use train) 79 Km 15 Fujii Gather 6:30a.m. at Toride Station
Dec. 30 Year-end Party --- 29 . Gather 3:00p.m. at Janoshin Restaurant.
Unless otherwise described, gather at 7:45a.m. at the parking lot of Teganuma Shinsui-koen Park in Abiko City Chiba Prefecture.

Joining Chiba Cycling Association in Tour
Activity plan in 2008
Jan. 6 New Year Visiting Naritasan Temple Tour 78 Km 14
Mar. 3 South-Boso Rape Blossoms Tour 57 Km 8
Apr. 13 Salt Breeze Tour at Inage beach & Sakura Tulip Festival 60 Km 6
May 18 Lake Teganuma Cycling rally 20 Km 12
Jun. 22 Iikouji Temple & Hydrangea Cycling 20, 60 Km ?
Jul. 20 Choshi Century Ride 160 Km 12+?
Sept. 21 JCA Tokyo City Cycling 92Km 9
Oct. 4,5 JCA Kanto block meeting in Ibaraki 57Km 4
Oct. 11,12,13 Tour de Chiba 400 Km ?
Oct. 12 Recreation meeting in Chiba prefecture --- ?
Nov. 29,30 Seiwano-mori forest Tour & Camp 60, 100 Km ?
Gathering place and time will be decided separately by the participants of club member, matching with the event plan.
** Entry means the number of persons of our club member entered.