Noda Excursion & Lake Watarase Tour
CCA Tour on April 9, 2006
I went on a Tour of Noda Excursion & Lake Watarase held by Chiba
Cycling Association with twelve members of 3rensho team.
Noda Excursion course was 90 Km, and Lake Watarase course in
addition to Noda Excursion course was 140 Km.
This time, I took part in a organizer and a group leader of Lake
Watarase course.
It was a strong windy day unfortunately, and bad weather forced us
to cancel the additional Lake Watarase course, because of delayed
All the cyclists finished the cycling of 90 Km course without any
trouble, although it was a strong windy day all day long.
Thirty-nine people entered.
We visited the Unga-mizube Koen Park, Sekiyadojo Museum
and Shimizu Koen Park.